Welcome to johndavid.live

Biblical, Balanced, Holistic  DISCIPLESHIP RESOURCES.

Equipping everyday Christians to become KINGDOM influencers is our specialty.  We approach discipleship holistically (addressing the WHOLE person).  That's why we emphasize - KNOW, BE, DO. Pushing you to grow your mind, your heart and your hands.

The mission here at johndavid.live is to help you BE A DISCIPLE of Christ and then MAKE A DISCIPLE of Christ.

Pastor John David

Know - Teaching - Mind

A huge part of DICIPLESHIP is what you know.  God uses your knowledge to influence your life and the lives around you.  JOHNDAVID.LIVE offers a wealth of biblically-based teaching materials, including a daily coaching plan called...

Daily Discipleship

Be - Trait Building - Heart

What you know informs who you are.  Your "being" is of crucial value to your life.  Often we neglect our be-ingness and jump only focus on knowing and doing.  Character leads!  JOHNDAVID.LIVE helps you build your character. 

Do - Training - Hands

True Disciples are hungry to "DO" the will of God, not just talk about it!.  We offer training seminars and practical videos, coaching conferences, and follow up to equip you for being and making disciples of Jesus Christ.


Daily Discipleship

Pastor John David produces a 5 day a week mentorship video that is delivered right to your inbox every morning.  Using this 5 minute mentorship to enhance your quiet time will spur your growth and help you be and make better disciples.


Resource Library

Our library is stocked with hundreds of Christian articles and audio teachings, covering almost every conceivable topic or question regarding the Christian life. 

Systematic Small Group Bible Studies

The best way to learn God's Word besides your personal reading of it is in studying it with friends!  Our Systematic Small Group Bible Studies help you disciple other people by guiding you through scriptures on any given topic and opening discussion for you to have with your friends.  Check them out. 


All of the materials at JOHNDAVID.LIVE start and end with the BIBLE.  God's Word contained in the Holy Bible is God's true revelation to humanity.  True Discipleship is Biblically based.


Emotional Maturity

Values Based - Beatitude focused Spiritual growth and development.  Who you ARE must be aligned with what you know.  "Being" comes before "Doing".  People matter.  Relational training to help you be "Smart" in your relationships. 

Self Awareness

A "Be" before "Do" mentality causes self-reflection to grow our self awareness.  Being aware of and "owning" our own "Dark Side" helps disciples avoid SELF-DECEPTION.  Embracing weakness and truth-telling a "BEING" driven heart creates an honest environment that leads to transformational discipleship.   

Relational Focus

Because the greatest commandment is to love God and love others, true discipleship is relationally focused.  Trust building and humility along with the hard work of personal inner growth, reflection and development grow you up on the "inside" so you can live it out on the "outside".  


HOW-TO Training

Practical online trainings like: How to Fast, How to Pray, How to Interpret the Bible, How to have a Quiet Time... 

Leadership Development

Small Group Leader Training, Goal Setting, Planning, Organizing, Vision Casting, Conflict Resolution...  and much more.

Practical Discipleship

How to identify potential Disciples.  How to train and develop others.  How to evaluate leadership cultures.  4 -R leadership model.

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