Pay It Forward

Discipleship Daily videos and Systematic Small Group Bible Studies  are free for people around the world, and we intend to keep it that way. But it takes much time and effort  to produce high-quality biblical content. That’s where you come in.


Fund future DD videos & Systematic Bible Studies 

Your PIF (Pay It Forward)contribution allows our team to work hard to provide Biblical content to anybody who wants to grow.  This takes time and energy that is  well worth the effort.

Make Content Free to use. 

Many DISCIPLES in third world countries do not have access to Biblical content for free.  Our Daily Discipleship Videos and Systematic Small Group Studies provide them with great content to grow themselves and grow others around them. 

Partner with God and with us to BLESS the nations with DISCIPLE-MAKING Content 

Store up for yourself "treasures in heaven" as you partner with us to get DISCIPLESHIP content to the nations.

How Does it work?

Whether you are watching the Discipleship Daily Videos on your phone of hosting a Systematic Small Group Bible Study with yourself or a group, you will find a Pay it Forward (PIF) button.  You can select either a one-time, monthly or yearly  payment option and voila!  You have helped somebody to BE and MAKE DISCIPLES.


Get a DAILY (5x week) Biblical message into your inbox.  Follow Jesus and get fresh BIBLICAL inspiration as well as relevant teaching every day.