Systematic Theology is a discipline of theology that formulates an orderly, rational, and coherent account of the Biblical doctrines of the Christian Faith. 

It looks at themes and topics throughout the entire Bible.  An example might be, "What does the Bible say about Anger?"  "The Heart - What does the Bible Say?"  Angels, Demons, Heaven, Hell, Salvation...  All of these topics are a part of SYSTEMATIC Theology.  


Small Group

The best way to study the Bible is with great friends and new believers.  The Systematic Small Group Studies are guided with verses that people take turns reading and inductive questions to answer about the verses.  The group learns from the Bible and from each other.  


The Systematic Small Group Bible Studies are WHOLE BIBLE (Old Testament AND New Testament) Studies.   Following a theme or topic throughout the Bible.  You can see God's thinking about a topic over thousands of years.  The group participants will learn from the Bible themselves instead of from the thoughts of another.


The Systematic Small Group Bible Studies are Bible Studies!   The group will read the verses together and answer questions to stimulate discussion and learning.  As participants take notes and discuss the verses meaning and applications, lives are transformed.  The studies make the Bible fun and relatable as well as accessible to seasoned believers and new believers.


Download and print PDF

Download the PDF of your selected Bible Study and print out copies for those who want to use a worksheet to lead the Bible Study.  These can be used to take notes and write down thoughts.  Tactile learners will like this option because they can take notes and write down their thoughts.   

or... Use web connected devices.

Access the Systematic Small Group Bible Study of your choice at our SSGBS Web-page. Once you register you will have access to the study and can download it or use the page in your browser (phone, ipad, tablet, desktop, or other web connected device). Have each member of the group log-in and you can use your phones to have the Bible studies. (Make sure to turn off pop-up blocking - so you can have the verses pop-up right in the Bible Study)

Pay It Forward

Discipleship Daily videos and Systematic Small Group Bible Studies  are free for people around the world, and we intend to keep it that way. But it takes much time and effort  to produce high-quality biblical content. That’s where you come in.